The best hair Care Products


How she shares her experience, “hello guys there are a million reasons I like to purchase hair products from Amazon one they are one cheaper than a lot of stores and two I love reading people's reviews and just like what they thought of the products before I purchased and also it's just so easy having everything in one place a lot of you guys if you have been following me for a while you know I'm obsessed with Amazon and I'm actually waiting for four different  things I purchased this week that will be here this weekend I purchased  some vitamins and a self tanner so yeah I just love it filming these and I actually styled my hair throughout so you guys will see all the products in action I just  thought that'd be super helpful I know I would appreciate that so I hope  you guys like that and I believe I have talked about these before but honestly they're so good it's so affordable I've repurchased them both a million times so I really wanted to share them with you because I think everybody needs them the first is a clarifying shampoo this is my Paul Mitchell it has like a lemon fresh scent it's something I use sometimes every other wash sometimes like every third wash and this is one of those products that will just keep your hair shine free for so much longer it doesn't weigh it down it gets everything out of it and I just like swear by this I think I can go an extra day without washing my hair simply because of this product so you need that and I think it's like the ten dollar range on Amazon so super affordable at the grocery store I think it's like seventeen dollars so it's way more affordable on Amazon the other one is like it's a ten and this is the plus keratin sometimes I use the regular those are the only two that I've ever purchased but I know they have like a million of them it comes in a way bigger bottle but I actually purchased it in a travel size at the grocery store because I needed it like that day I do not want to wash and blow-dry my hair without this you guys it really gets all the frizz out of your hair when I blow dry here with this it's way more straight and it just makes the biggest difference in the world I do show you guys how my hair looks without hair extensions and just after like I blow dried it with his product and it's just so much more straight and less frizzy with this like I can't even tell you I typically will blow-dry my hair at night sleep on it and then style it in the morning and it is just straight and smooth I don't even have to style if I don't want to because this just makes a world of difference if you have like really thick and coarse hair or if it's just frizzy if it's unmanageable if you don't like what it looks like when it dries naturally you need this you guys this is  like the one hair product that I have to have it does come in a way bigger bottle this is just like the travel size but everybody needs this and then the next two products are by Wella and this is a brand that I really don't hear people talk about on YouTube but it is so good a lot of their products are really extremely affordable I just looked this guy up on Amazon I think it was in like the ten dollar range and this is a hair treatment I consider it like a deep conditioner and this one is for color-treated hair for normal or fine hair they do have like a bunch of different ones it smells like sweethearts it's so good it really leaves your hair just like super nourished and healthy and shiny looking and it's something I use I would say like maybe once every other week sometimes a little lasts but it won't weigh your hair down it just looks like super healthy and refreshed from this if that sort of makes sense a lot of deep  conditioners like really weigh your hair down this one will not do that at all so I really like this the other one is a shine spray I also have never heard anyone talk about this and it is very good there's not a negative thing I could say about it I just I don't know I love this so much it's like a secret weapon of mine I know that sounds so cheesy but it's true because it makes your hair look amazing I actually have had several of you guys asked me like how my hair is so shiny it is this product and yeah I just it will last you forever I think I'm probably around here and I've had this for like three or four months and it also will last in your hair until you wash it there are some shine spray is only lasts like a few hours and then the shine is gone but this will last until you wash your hair so love that and for the dry shampoos I do have two that I wanted to talk about so the first one is by Captain Blankenship this is the mermaid ne and this is a powder so I do have like Spray form because I know some of you prefer spray but this will just last forever it is super good I do have dark hair obviously and it doesn't leave like any white in my hair or anything like that I just like put it in my fingers this is really good for volume as well like at the root when you just like put it in and shake your hair out and then the other one is my Kristin s and I just purchased this on a whim and I'm so glad I did because it's really good it does come out like super strong which I feel like really will lift the hair up so I just like flip my hair on either side put it in shake it out and it lasts for several hours as well or like a whole day some dry  shampoos will only last a few hours on me which is like super pointless but these two will last a very long time they have amazing price point so I totally recommend them and I feel e I'm going through this one kind of fast but the other one from Captain Blankenship that I just fell on the floor that one I use a ton of product and it is still like at least three quarters of the way full so I know I will have that one for a very long time and lastly is a volumizing spray it's my big sexy hair it's called flip it over so that's what you do you just flip it over spray it at the roots and I'm about to sneeze because I've been spraying hair product so I can feel it coming okay I think it's gone but yeah so you just flip it over sprayed out the root and it will give you a little left at the crown but you do have to be careful like you only want to use a little bit because it can weigh down the hair fast or just like a tiny spray like a few sprays on either side and you'll be good to go I actually purchased another volumizing spray on Amazon that had a really good review so I will link it but I haven't personally used it yet but I'm really excited to try it out I actually wanted to try it now but it won't be here until next week and yeah I also did want to mention luxy hair because those are the hair extensions that I use that I swear by you guys they're so good because I've been wearing them for I would say probably like three years if not a little less than three years so I worn three colors from them and yeah I just really liked them and I get about hair extensions so you guys ask me is which ones do I wear and they wear the seamless collection and I wear the chocolate brown shade I warn I think three of their shades by now so I really like them and what I like about this seamless collection is that the wefts are like paper-thin you guys they're super thin and really comfortable so you don't have to worry about them showing or peeking out throughout the day they just stay in place extremely well and if you're not sure which shade then you can send their customer service a picture of your hair and they will recommend a shade for you it's completely free I've done that a few times and I just really like having it the second opinion so if you're not sure just send of a picture and they will help you out and they last a very long time amazing quality so yeah that is why I wear the luxy hair extensions and then lately I've been wearing to two flips in two four clips I cut them to like an inch longer than my natural hair just because I wanted like a little more thickness and volume and it is super easy I've been loving edge I style my hair by the way in ten minutes like I put in hair extensions and a curl my hair in ten minutes so it is super easy and a fast routine and since I do like the showering at night and the blow-drying at night it helps to like split it up because start to finish in one day it's just a lot of work and a lot of time and I don't have time for that and yeah that's why I like I do half of it at night and half of it in the morning but and then I also realized I didn't share the hair tool that I use so it is called the curb and you guys I love this so much it only has 2 out of 5 stars on Amazon which I was really surprised about but I think it's because people start to burn it their fingers when they aren't familiar with a wand it does come with a mitt so you can protect your fingers but I have been styling with a wand for I would say it like three or four years at the minimum a very long time so I don't really have to worry about that sometimes I still burn my fingers here and there but I'm used to it that probably sounds bad but it's so true and I will leave it in my hair for a little less than 10 seconds and then I also hold it for a few seconds especially the hairs on the very bottom like the underneath portion I always hold those because that gets straighter on me since it's like heavier and thicker hair down there and I always put my hair extensions in first and then I style my hair with the extensions in and that's how you really get that like perfect seamless blend and you won't be able to tell what is extensions and what is your natural hair since it's all inside one like hair curl that kind of makes sense and I always will leave out the last I would say like 3/4 of an inch because if you have hair that is shorter than your hair extensions then it will show or it will be a little more obvious if you leave it like the whole thing inside of it so having a little bit straight it just like helps to blend it all together and then I use a wet brush and I brush through it really lately I still want to keep the shape of the curl but I think it makes it look a little more fluffy this way I think it's in like the nine dollar range and it's the only hairbrush I use I have a bunch of them because they have a lot of different styles so I recommend those too I have a very simple and easy hair routine and all these products I love they work really well for me I think they do work really well for a lot of you guys too.”
